Image brochure 2023
Image brochure 2023 French
50Hertz, Berlin
88 North, Munich
Airport City Center Smart-Office, Düsseldorf
Alpha-Rotex, Frankfurt on the Main
Bramfelder Spitze, Hamburg
CIO - Centre for Integrated Oncology University Hospital, Cologne
Clara and Robert, Düsseldorf
EBB, Berlin
EO, Bad Homburg
Franklinhaus, Berlin
Funke Media Office, Essen
Goethe University, Frankfurt on the Main
Hafenbogen, Frankfurt on the Main
Hafenspitze, Düsseldorf
Henriettenplatz, Berlin
Münchener Rück, Munich
New Blauhaus, Mönchengladbach
Olympus European Headquarters, Hamburg
Rems-Murr-Kliniken, Winnenden
RWTH Aachen Campus Melaten, Aachen
SCALE, Berlin
Schwarzbachquartier, Ratingen
Sono West, Frankfurt on the Main
Strauss CI Factory, Schlüchtern
Tafelhof Palais, Nuremberg
The Westlight, Berlin
Thyssen Multifunktion, Neuhausen
Torhaus Expopark, Hanover
University Hospital, Jena
Victoria House, Düsseldorf
Airbase High School, Ramstein
Army Lodge, Wiesbaden
Horse Continental, Hanover
Prison, Frankfurt on the Main
Prison, Hof
Prison, Luxembourg
Prison, Stuttgart
Louvre Museum, Abu Dhabi
Middle School, Wiesbaden
New National Museum, Oslo
Paddington Station, London
US Army Elementary & High School, Böblingen
EDF's DUS Project/Diesels d'Ultime Secours, France
Hinkley Point C, Somerset, England
ITER, France
Olkiluoto 3, Eurajoki, Finland
B·S·T® DIN fire doors
Effective protection against fire, smoke and much more if required
B·S·T® DIN fire dampers
Effective protection against fire, smoke and much more if required
B·S·T® EI90 exterior doors
Effective protection against fire in the exterior wall with many options for property protection
B·S·T® EN fire doors
Protection against fire and smoke and additional security
B·S·T® EN Fire dampers
Protection against fire and smoke with added safety
O·S·T®-1 RC3
protection against burglary also against fire, smoke and other security risks
O·S·T®-1 RC3
Object security door JVA
Protection against burglary also against fire, smoke and other security risks
O·S·T®-2 RC4
Efficient protection against intrusion, fire, smoke, bullets and further safety risks
O·S·T®-2 RC4 object security door JVA
Efficient protection against burglary, fire, smoke, bullets and other high-security risks
O·S·T®-2 RC5
Efficient maximum protection against burglary, bullets and other security risks
O·S·T®-2 RC6
Efficient protection against explosion, burglary, bullets, fire and smoke
O·S·T®-2 Sealed door
Efficient protection against burglary, bullets, fire and smoke
O·S·T® Barrier High-Security Door
Efficient object protection in the field of high-security technology
HRT detention room door
Very good protection against burglary
FU Slide sliding door
Effective protection against burglary, bullets, explosions and fire
FU tubular frame door
Aesthetic protection in glass against burglary, explosion and fire
High-security gate O·S·T® Barrier
Efficient object protection in the field of high-security technology
SOKALTHERM® facade system
A SOMMER proprietary profile system
MULTITHERM® facade system
A SOMMER proprietary profile system
SOKALTHERM® aluminium windows
A SOMMER proprietary profile system
SOKALTHERM® Forensic/Custody Window
A SOMMER proprietary profile system
MULTITHERM® glass roof
A SOMMER proprietary profile system
Ventilation grille RC3
Efficient protection against burglary
Object protection grille O·S·G Barrier
Efficient object protection in the area of high-security technology.
High-security bollards
Efficient protection against undesired drive-throughs
High-security barrier
Protection of sensitive areas against access
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
Managementsystem für Arbeitsschutz und Gesundheit
ISO 19443
Qualitätsmanagement im nuklearen Sektor
EN 1090-1
Ausführung von Aluminiumtragwerken
EN 1090-1
Ausführung von Stahltragwerken
EN 1090-2
Schweißzertifikat zum Schweißen von Stahltragwerken
EN 1090-3
Schweißzertifikat zum Schweißen von Aluminiumtragwerken
ISO 3834-2
Qualitätsanforderungen für das Schmelzschweißen
KTA 1401
A|U|F e.V.
Aluminium material cycle
Certificate of exemption
until December 31, 2027
Certificate of exemption
until December 31, 2024
Proof of tax liability
until june 2027